Chloe Holiday

Chloe Holiday Profile Photo


A retired military physician, Chloe is now a #1 Best-selling Amazon Author who writes the things she loves to read: steamy, fun stories about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, smart women and men who aren’t jerks. About friendships, whether it’s close women or a good bromance. She wants to bring readers all the feels: the thrill of a smoldering gaze or the barest brush of fingertips, the shocked gasp at the underhanded villain, the angst of heartbreak, the joy of reunion, and of course, happily ever after!

Chloe enjoys providing a sneak peek into intriguing groups, whether from her own background ( military personnel, medicine, aviation) or another culture like Greece. It’s fun to live vicariously and go sailing, diving, or rock climbing. A bit of danger always gets her going, so many of her novels have a thriller or suspense subplot.

Chloe loves humor, great banter and embarrassing situations. She hates to read the same old thing, with only the names and places changed, so her goal is to bring readers a fresh, fun, NEW story every time, with NO CLIFFHANGERS!

More than anything, she wants to deliver a rollicking, great story readers can’t put down, one where the good guys prevail in the end, one that will whisk people away from their own tribulations.

July 4, 2022

60 - Chloe Holiday, Best Selling Author

In This Episode, Author Chloe Holiday Shares: Her family mantra that has served her well in life. Both How and Why she became an Author. What she did for a career before she started writing and why she left it. …

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