This patented training aid inspires users to develop proper muscle memory when playing a sport. It will monitor, track, and correct the user's performance in real time. It speaks 7 different languages, has 3 different levels in each sport to grow with the user, and tracks training performance in real time.
When asked how this idea came to his mind, Mr. Shawn Moye said, "I wanted to ensure the user would get quality practice time, gain a competitive advantage, and do it in a cost-efficient way, as sports camps are expensive." That's when the E-Sports Trainer, aka Elijah's Sports Trainer, was born." It all started when Mr. Shawn Moye had an awful experience trying to find someone to train his son, Elijah, who started showing interest in Basketball but couldn't find anyone to help him get consistent at shooting and become a baller. However, Mr. Moye is not one to give up easily, so he decided to take it upon himself to create a device that would help people train without the help of an expert. This resulted in the creation of the E-Sports Trainer
The E-Sports Trainer was featured on the television program “America's Big Deal,” which appeared on the USA network in December of 2021. It has also been mentioned in a bunch of articles - Inventors Digest Magazine, the Charlotte Post, and Currents Magazine, to name a few. Moreover, it has also been featured on entrepreneur podcasts and radio programs.
Shawn Moye will be on Season 8 of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, which will air 16 November 2022