Episode Nine features Jeffrey Nash, the inventor of The Juppy talking about how he created it and built a successful company around it.
My Key Takeaways:
Some of my key takeaways from my conversation with Jeffrey are:
Now Jeffrey got his start with the Juppy by observing a common problem and rather than casting it aside he came up with an innovative solution to it. Now the hard work didn't stop there. It had really just begun as he had to figure out how to mass produce it, market it, and get it in customer's hands but as Aaron Walker in episode 2 pointed out, everything is figure-out-able. Google is our friend - at least in this case!
Jeffrey preaches the importance of having a good positive attitude as well as meditating and listening to Motivational speakers. A lot depends on your attitude. If you have a good attitude you can do anything and if you have a bad attitude you will think about things you shouldn't like failure.
Jeffrey's marketing strategy for The Juppy has been to lean heavily into Google Adwords, develop organic traffic, and rely on word of mouth from his customers. Never underestimate the power of a Mom's testimonial to all of her friends because you not only helped her child learn to walk but also saved her back!
Another takeaway from Jeffrey's life that I learned is that it is never too late to start something new. At an age where most people are retired he has gone on to start a new opportunity with a Solar Energy company. Now that takes a lot of gumption but it also makes life interesting.
Like the old song says, "You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run." Shortly before this podcast was to air, Jeffrey announced that, due to constant patent infringement and manufacturing costs that have almost doubled, he is putting The Juppy on pause while he considers another approach. In the meantime, he is looking forward to enjoying a new opportunity in the Solar Panel industry!
You can reach out to Jeffrey Nash at
Join us next week as we talk to Travis Rosbach and discuss how he created TheHydroflask and also what he is up to now!
Show notes and more can be found at